The my new book, The Presence of the Infinite, is now available on Amazon. In connection with the book’s publication I’ll be traveling on a short book tour. I hope to see you at one of these [...]
For the next few days I’ll be at the Integral Theory Conference put on by the Metaintegral Foundation. On Friday July 17, I’ll be on a panel which will consider the problem of radical Islamism, [...]
This blog is about the upcoming consciousness-raising seminar we’re calling “The Integral Escalator.” For 3-1/2 days, August 13-16, Jeff Salzman and I, together with our special guests, will be [...]
This image is a slide from the presentation I’m developing on my next book, The Presence of the Infinite: The Spiritual Experience of Beauty, Truth, and Goodness. Here’s a brief excerpt from the [...]
Here is the cover of my forthcoming book, The Presence of the Infinite. Quest Books designed the cover, but I chose the image of calla lily. I like this flower image because it resembles a key [...]
The ongoing rise of radical Islamism in the twenty-first century is a difficult and dire problem, for which cultural evolution is really the only viable permanent solution. But to overcome this [...]
This past week I gave a talk at the Boulder Integral Center, dubbed “An Introduction to Integral Consciousness.” I had not given an introductory talk for several years and noticed how I am [...]
Last month I had a great conversation on Skype with evolutionary spirituality luminary Bruce Sanguine. We talked about my forthcoming book, The Presence of the Infinite. You can watch the Skype [...]
Until my next book, The Presence of the Infinite, comes out this fall, I’ll be working full-time to further develop the Institute for Cultural Evolution think tank (“ICE”). In furtherance of this [...]
This past week I was at The Esalen Center for Theory and Research on California’s legendary Big Sur coast. I came to Esalen to participate in an event I’ve been helping to plan for close to a [...]