This acclaimed 2014 whitepaper, Depolarizing the American Mind, was co-authored with Carter Phipps and published by The Institute for Cultural Evolution. It proposes a “synthesis platform” designed to address the current political stalemate and create new avenues of agreement and consensus across the different demographics of the American political spectrum. Depolarizing the American Mind also examines the causes of cultural and political polarization and describes evolutionary principles for working with “existential oppositions” such as “liberal and conservative.” This whitepaper is accompanied by ICE’s Polarization Test (taken by over 10,000 people so far), which provides applications and exercises to help ground the ideas presented.
[clear] [quote byline=”Jonathan Haidt” title=”NYU social psychologist and author of The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion“]I think Depolarizing the American Mind by McIntosh and Phipps is among the most insightful essays I’ve ever read about the causes of our Nation’s hyper-partisan polarization problem. It offers a new diagnosis of how we got here, and a new prescription for what to do now. McIntosh and Phipps show us how we can evolve into more constructive forms of disagreement a decade from now.[/quote]